As a 501(c)3 non-profit we rely on the generous support of our community to keep our programs going as an affordable resource. This is all made possibly through volunteers and charitable contributions.
Arizona Tax Credit
What is the Arizona Tax Credit?
Arizona offers a dollar-for-dollar tax credit when you donate to a Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO).* All qualifying donations come right back to you at tax time!
What You Need to Know
· You don’t need to itemize your taxes.
· You can still claim the Education Tax Credit along with the QCO credit.
· You have until April 15 to make a qualifying donation for the previous year.
*For 2024 tax year married filing jointly can give up to $938. Single filing can give up to $470. QCO Tax CODE: 22629 Please consult your tax advisor for specific questions related to your tax situation.
*For 2025 tax year married filing jointly can give $987 and single filing can give up to $495.
If you would like to make a monetary contribution, we have Venmo and Paypal available or you can reach out to us directly. All contributions go to the betterment of the program whether it be for office supplies, activities supplies or a nurturing artist. Every dollar makes a difference.
Our volunteers are the heart and soul of our mission. We want this to be a rewarding experience for both our members and volunteers. We appreciate any time given and have no minimum number of hours one must volunteer. We provide training for volunteers and make sure each volunteer feels comfortable in the tasks they perform. We encourage our volunteers to share in their talents and knowledge with members and the team. Our volunteers help people with limitations continue to do what they love. They are a friendship and a smiling face and a critical asset to the program.
Amazon Wish List
Love shopping on Amazon? You can donate by purchasing items off of our Amazon wish list!
Frys Community Rewards
We are part of Fry's Grocery rewards program!!